Developmentally Disabled
Senior Care
Youth Programs
Case Management

The mission of the Immaculate Virgin, a not-for-profit agency of the Archdiocese of New York, founded in 1871 by Father John C. Drumgoole, has always responded with services for those in need.
The Mission response continues in the tradition of Father Drumgoole and its Catholic heritage. In line with the Gospel mandate and the social mission of the Catholic Church, it seeks to promote family life, create a caring and healing community, and to allow all those it serves the realization of their God-give potential. The Mission strives in all its programs to promote the universal ideals of justice, peace and compassion and to work in concert with other community resources.
As the population of Staten Island increases and the need for large congregate care programs serving geographically diverse populations decreases, the Mission directs its services to the residents of Staten Island. These services include infant and pre-school day care; residential and other programs for developmentally challenged youth; social services to families in crisis to enhance relationships, build upon strengths and achieve stable healthy family lives; assistance to senior citizens to maintain relationships, function as independently as possible and contribute of their experience and wisdom in intergenerational programs, and to share its resources with parish communities.
In 2016, The Mission of the Immaculate Virgin merged with Catholic Charities of New York, and Catholic Charities of Staten Island was formed.
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Executive Leadership
Albert Richichi
Alumni President
CCSI Board members